About Us

Stay Positive Test Negative LLC. was founded in 2020 by Brian Johnson, a native Detroiter and musical artist. As a youth he was always in tune with fashion and worked several years in retail. He was also very much aware of his emotional and mental health, and empathetic to the struggles of others. Growing up in the inner city of Detroit, his experiences and relationships taught him about the stigma associated with mental health, illness, and addiction. He began to realize that almost everyone was dealing with these issues in one way or another, whether it be friends, family, or themselves. He also grew to understand the devastation it caused and the long term affects it could have. After years of research and counseling, he understood that this was a journey of self; however, the battle was not to be fought alone...you need support.
As the COVID 19 pandemic spread pandemonium across the world, all of our lives were impacted and affected differently. Some lost their lives, or lost loved ones. Some lost their jobs and careers, or even had to close a business. Some lost their homes. Regardless of what losses we've suffered, one thing we could not afford to lose was our minds!
Stay Positive: Mental health is a serious issue that many people fail to realize or neglect to address. Life is demanding enough just dealing with the mundane tasks of your daily routine. Balancing family, work, health, and finance is a struggle for most people, as is. WIth the added pressure of unforeseen circumstances, and uncertain leadership it's easy for the mind to be internally conflicted and exhausted. Insecurity, anxiety, depression, etc. are all side effects of unbearable stress that we must address in order to maintain our sanity. 
Test Negative: Obviously inspired by the traumatic experience of the COVID 19 pandemic, we want to test negative for the coronavirus. However, we want to test negative for any virus, whether it be the common cold, influenza, or any other infectious ailments. We also want to be aware of our sexual health and test negative for AIDS/HIV and any other sexually transmitted diseases. Raising awareness of viruses and disease isn't our only concern though. We want to be conscious of substance abuse and test negative for controlled substances as well. In addition to controlled substances, we must be aware of the pressures we put on our athletes to perform at extreme levels, and how that can increase anxiety; unfortunately leading many down a path of destruction, using performance enhancing drugs. Sustaining our physical health and self preservation is key, but we must also protect our most vital organ, the brain. Energy waves and vibrations affect the way we think and feel, which is why it is paramount that we test negative for negative energy. Everyone you encounter is fighting their own battle, dealing with their own demons on the daily. We have to accept and respect that, preserve our peace and continue to stay positive.
Founder, Brian Johnson